Sell and Request your drag racing related items here. Personal ads only please

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 #17792  by cunningplan
Long story but please read
Yesterday morning I had a call from this Robin asking if I still wanted a 351 Cleveland, I told him that I had already bought one, he said he had his sons one sitting in the garage and as they were moving wanted rid of it. He was asking for £200, I asked where he lived and he said Norfolk, he then said that as he used a company for his business he could get it to me for only £18.50.
The only problem was he wanted to be paid before it was sent and me would let me have it for the £200 all in.
Tempted or what!!!! yep so I said about paypal and he said he wanted it deposited in this account
"Miss catherine a edmeades lloyds tsb sort code 77.30.12 account 01667368 please deposit 200pounds for Cleavland engine thanks robin"
I said I could not do it myself but my wife could tomorrow (Today) after work at 12.
I later text him for the details again expressing my concern about sending the money no matter how little without knowing if he had it. he emailed me the above and again phoned this morning asking if was still on, I said it was as I had already given the money and details to my wife to put it in the bank.
12.15 today I had a phonecall off my wife who wanted me to speak to the woman at the bank. I was told that she could not give me details, but as soon as she entered the details it flagged up a warning, it looks like there are lots/loads of complaints about this account that people had paid into it and not recieved thier goods, while she could not tell me not to deposit into the account, she advised me not to.
I phoned and left a measage with Robin that they would not take the money and thought I would not hear anything more.
at about 4, Robin phoned and asked if I had paid, I told him what happend and he told me that he had been to the bank that afternnon and that had been sorted and the engine had already been sent, I said that as I had trused him to send it that as soon as it arrive I would pay into the account.
He said he wanted to paid before and then said that the engine had not been sent and was going out in the morning. I said that I already had one and it was only going to be a spare and if he would not trust me the money when I had it, I did not want it, he said OK and hung up.
So if you have a email or phone call from this Rob/Robin from norfolk, tell you dont want to pay first.

I hope you dont me putting this up Jon as he said this is where he got the info from
 #17793  by fester
That smells tony,give it a wide bearth mate,,200quid is 200quid,,,,,,,his second name isnt banks is it?
 #17795  by dragracerdave
fester wrote:That smells tony,give it a wide bearth mate,,200quid is 200quid,,,,,,,his second name isnt banks is it?
Leave well alone! BTW, my wife used to work for a guy named Robin Kent.............................. :lol:
 #18162  by cunningplan
I received these today and have already sent off a statement to the email address below. if anyone else thinks they have been scammed by this person, please phone or email DC Stuart.

"I read your post with great interest as I believe I have been scammed by possibly the same Robin Butler from Norfolk [paid £60 for a car spare part that never arrived].

Norfolk Police are currently investigating a Robin Butler for alleged fraud. I have made contact with a DC Matt Stewart [01603276689] who is in charge of the matter. As well as reporting my own matter I am advising him of your experience [as posted]. It is possible that he may contact you.

I hope this is in order."

"I spoke to DC Stuart [this is correct spelling] this morning. He advises me that Robin Butler was arrested in February 2010 for alleged fraud [scams] and was remanded on bail until 22 April 2010. Apparently, he has admitted that he has never had any car parts to sell to anyone. DC Stuart has now 25reports of scams involving Butler.

What is significant, however, is that your experience with Robin Butler occurred after the date of his arrest in February. This seems to suggest that he was willing to continue his scam after being placed on bail. After all, he could not have provided you with the engine part as - according to his admission to the police - he had no stock of car parts. I am sure DC Stuart would be very interested in hearing from you about the details of your experience. His phone number is 01603276689 and his email is"
 #18564  by rania1
Tried me today called himself Robin Baxter. Same bank account -
Ms Catherine Edmeades sort code 77-30-12 A/c 01667368

Made up address ( thanks google maps) and the deal was too good to be true...

I've emailed DC Stuart .....

You've been warned.... :shock: