Discuss anything to do with modern day drag racing here

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 #33761  by herb andrews
jaytee wrote:Herb who was driving Pure Hell
Rich Guasco, John, who's website says its best time to date is 6.19 seconds, and top speed is 238 MPH, a tip of the hat to him for doing that.

We stood in the crowd, listening to spectators that had not seen or heard drag cars before, they were blown away by them, but also their names, 'Rat Trap' and 'Pure Hell'. I mention it as we are so used to cars from that era having names like that, but thinking about it, Pure Hell is a great analogy of what it must be to sit behind a blown hemi on fuel and to drive the short wheelbased altered which ever way it takes you!
 #33770  by ukdrn
Thanks for the pictures and words Herb :)
A shame the meetings clashed.