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 #40471  by oily bike bloke
The Brighton and Hove Motor Club have made the sad announcement on Monday 22 January 2024 that the 2023 Brighton Speed Trials event was the last one.

The announcemnt can be found here

This follows on from the May 2023 announcement from the organisers of the motorcycling side of things (under kind invitation of the B&HMC), the VMCC Sprint Section, that the bikes wouldn’t be running, citng safety concerns in realtion to the ‘new’ road layout.
Details here ... nouncement

The VMCC Sprint Section's website article ... -of-an-era

The event first ran in 1905, which made it the longest running motor sport event in the world.
For in-depth info re the history of the Speed Trials, here are a link that may be of interest.

Veloce Publishing have in thier series “Those were the days”, Tony Gardiner’s book “The Brighton National Speed Trials in the 1960’s, 1970’s & 1980’s”

Of particulr interest to drag facing fans.
In 1963 Americans Dante Duce and Mickey Thompson came over to Britain to demonstrate the sport of Drag Racing. They competed against Sydney Allard who ran his home-built dragster. The dragsters were a popular attraction until 1974 when they were stopped from entering due to safety concerns.

Just for info, here's a selection of drivers & riders who (to the best of my knowledge) have competed at the Speed Trials over the years.
Malcolm Campbell
Prince Bira
Stirling Moss
Denis Jenkinson
Raymond Mays
Mike Hawthorn
John Cobb
Dante Duce
Mickey Thompson
Basil Keys
Charlie Rous
Henk Vink
Roger Clark
Gary Goggin
John Hobbs
Mick Butler
Derek Chinn
Ian Messenger
Pip Higham
Whitney Straight
Jonathan Palmer
David Purley
George Brown
Basil Keys
Toni Bianchi
John Dodds
Phil Manzano
Jim & Sheila Tiller
John Cooper
Derek Bell
Ken Tyrell
Noel Pope
Charles Rolls

Brighton’s local press coverage (as of Monday 22 Jan 2024) ... -scrapped/ ... otor-club/

Following Monday 22 Jan 2024’s announcement, it seems fair to say the web will have further info................
2006 BST  AA DSCF1396.JPG
2006 BST AA DSCF1396.JPG (408.05 KiB) Viewed 7438 times