Anything Nostalgia Related.

Moderators: timetravel, ukdrn

 #35179  by JamesF
Dragstalgia is back for 2014 and it’s going to be even bigger and better than 2013. There are plenty more announcements to be made yet but make sure you get the dates in your diary now. We’re going onto 3 days so it’s 11th-13th July.

New for 2014 is the track will be open on Friday afternoon for RWYB only. We recognise that RWYB time is short for Saturday and Sunday (but still available) so if you want to be able to go round and round with lots of runs then the Friday is for you. If you want to do RWYB on Saturday and Sunday then this must be pre-booked and paid for to secure your slot. We’re also upping the entertainment on Friday night too with a live band as well as a DJ.

We’re sticking with the pre-1980’s rule throughout the event and tightening up on this with the invited race classes.

Some of the invited race classes are still yet to confirm their attendance but one new addition that we’re pleased to announce is the First Annual Willys Wars which it looks like we already have a fantastic entry for.

The showmanship trophies are returning to keep the emphasis on keeping the crowd entertained so we’ll have awards for the best burnout, wheelstand, appearances, best backup girl and more.

The usual Saturday night entertainment will be back with a Cacklefest, followed by Fire burnouts and then it’s all descend on the Fuelers Bar for real ale, burlesque and some top notch music.

After a sell-out Show & Shine competition in 2013 there will be even more space available and we have secured backing from the NSRA who are going to be taking care of the competition (still pre-1980’s), guaranteeing that only the best of the best will be walking away with trophies and prizes.

Club stands are still welcome and the popular 20% club discount will still be available on tickets purchased on the gate. Only a proof of membership is needed to qualify.

The history marquee will be here again with cars, bikes and items so if you have anything historic or iconic that you’d like to display, whether it has wheels or not, please get in touch.

You can get in touch with me through the usual means, on here or or 01234 782828.

For further info please take a look at :)
 #35194  by ukdrn
Should be a blast James, 3 days is good for me, the more the better, can't wait :)
Very cool to see at least one of my images on the flyer as well :)
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 #35883  by ukdrn
More info on the first annual willys wars 8)
It will be heads up, no brackets, no dial ins and no eliminations
Prizes will be bragging rights only!
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Confirmed Cars so far:

Me!! 41 Coupe "Rack n Ruin"
Joanne Wittich 41 Coupe "Wicked Witch"
Kim Bishop 41 Coupe
Richard Warburton 41 Coupe "Prozac"
Simon Smith 41 Coupe
Steve Lang 41 Coupe "Bubba Gump"
Damien Bacon 41 Pickup
Jon Giles 41 Coupe "ROAR Willys"
Rick Garrett 41 Coupe
Richard Davis 41 Coupe
Mike Bray 41 Coupe
David Murdoch 33 Coupe
John Dalrymple 33 Coupe "Full Tilt"
Ray Irish 41 Pickup
Gerry Treit 40 Coupe "Tartan Dragin' Racing Team"
Mike Taylor 41 Coupe
Alan Mearns 38 Pickup
Alan Mearns 33 Coupe
Steve Blomfield 33 Coupe "Boston Brawler"
Kev Cattell 41 Coupe
Martin Eley 41 Pickup
Wayne Green 41 Coupe
Jurgen 41 Coupe "Master of Desaster"
Micha Vogt 41 Coupe "Race Antz"
Matt Pain 41 Coupe
Dave Dip Fulton 41 Pickup "El Nino"
Phil Moules 41 Coupe
Max Powell 41 Coupe "Bad Habit"
Bobby Wallace 41 Coupe
Phil Evans 41 Pickup
Ian Merryweather 41 Coupe

Show Cars

Paul Kennedy 33 Coupe "Hamberis & Mitchell"
Tony Osborne 41 Coupe "Headhunter"

To Be Confirmed
Ron Haslett - if finished
Neil Harris 41 Coupe "Old Harper" - if finished
Paul Brown 41 Coupe - if finished
Lou Noble 41 Coupe - if finished
Chris Meek 41 Coupe "Fat Rat"
Barry Smith 37 Sedan "Goldmember"
Tim Bignell 41 Coupe
Nick Barnett 41 Coupe "Barnett & Welch" - if finished
Shaun Hoyle 41 Coupe - if finished
Nick Prophet 41 Coupe - if finished
Karl Butler 41 Coupe - if finished
 #35913  by JamesF
The latest addition to the bill is an authentic drive in cinema. Drive in your Classic, American or Hot Rod and enjoy screenings of a number of classic drag racing movies including Heart Like a Wheel – the Shirley Muldowney story, American Graffiti, Two-lane black top and more. We’re even showing what’s thought to be the first big screen viewing in the UK of the smash hit “Snake & Mongoose”, and what better way to watch it than on a Saturday evening surrounded by Hot Rods at the end of a hard days racing. Simply tune into Nitro FM (96.2fm) on your stereo, or bring a wireless to get the audio, sit back & enjoy. If you haven’t got a car worthy of driving in, you’ll be pleased to hear that you’ll be able to watch the films from the bank behind the cars instead. For Drag Racing fans, this is set to be one of the most memorable film viewings you’ll ever experience!

Set in the heyday of drag racing and based on a true story, “Snake & Mongoose” uncovers for the first time on the big screen the compelling rivalry and breakthrough sports marketing accomplishments of Don “the Snake” Prudhomme and Tom “the Mongoose” McEwen—including a Hot Wheels partnership that proved game changing for all parties including the world of Drag Racing. Watch on as the 2 bitter adversaries become the best of friends away from the drag strip whilst remaining fierce rivals on the track. The action is guaranteed to keep you, quite literally, on the edge of your driving seat!
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 #35983  by ukdrn
How about this then for a press release 8) :D

Santa Pod Raceway & USAutomotive join forces for Dragstalgia 2014

Santa Pod Raceway are pleased to announce a new partnership for Dragstalgia 2014 with USAutomotive. The new partnership is a collaboration of one of the most prolific American Auto Parts suppliers in the UK and what is quickly becoming THE nostalgia event in Europe, a natural combination. The real winners from this new partnership is you, the fans, as between us, we’re bringing you something pretty special, fittingly from the USA.

We have teamed up to bring not one, but TWO of the baddest fuel altereds of all time to Dragstalgia on the 11th-13th July 2014. Many of us are only lucky enough to see American Nostalgia racing on the internet, so we’re bringing a taste of American Nostalgia racing to you, right here at Santa Pod Raceway.
It’s been a dream of Ron Hope’s and Rich Guasco’s to come and race in anger here in the UK, but little do they know that by fulfilling those dreams, they’ll be making the dreams of thousands of UK Drag fans come true at the same time. That’s right,“Rat Trap” and “Pure Hell” are coming to race at Dragstalgia. This may be the only time you’ll ever see the cars here at Santa Pod so this really is an opportunity not to be missed.

So get the dates in your diary now, 11th-13th July 2014, it truly will be a weekend to remember. You can also expect racing from all major Nostalgia classes in the UK including the crowd pleasing Nostalgia Funny Cars. There will be a huge Show & Shine paddock, club displays, live music, a beer festival, jet car, cacklefest, fire burnouts and loads more. For further information please see the website

USAutomotive are the UK’s leading weekly importers of parts for American vehicles and have stock in excess of 20,000 products at their Bedford warehouse and have access to thousands more items in stock from the USA. They are also able to offer a host of custom imported products too so if it’s available, they can supply it! Please see for a full product list and to find out more or call 01234 273155.
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 #35992  by compcoupe
Be nice to see Havoc come out to play with these boys............ :D
Come on Rob n Nick you know you want to!! :D :D

 #35993  by ukdrn
Rob announced tonight that Havoc will be at the event as well :)
Hopefully this will all have a knock on effect and we will get loads of altered come out to play.
 #35994  by Barngt
This going to be great :D
 #36011  by compcoupe
ukdrn wrote:Rob announced tonight that Havoc will be at the event as well :)
Hopefully this will all have a knock on effect and we will get loads of altered come out to play.
Will that be to race or just on display? It would be great to see Havoc out again. 8)
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