Anything Nostalgia Related.

Moderators: timetravel, ukdrn

 #32046  by Martin D
crazyhorses wrote:Can't make 30th because we are working on the Allard Chrysler at Andy Robinson Race Cars. Hope it goes well.
Brian, it depends on when we finish & when the meet at Blackbushe finish's, I certainly hope to get there at some time as it's only 10 miles away. Maybe we should start earlier ?
 #32047  by crazyhorses
It depends on Bob and Andy. I'm in a hotel the night before so I usually get there early anyway. I think it's mostly polishing, painting and pre-assembling sub assemblies so you might be able to take some homework.
 #32163  by carpenterracing
Here are a few photo's I took today. Saw a couple of familiar faces in attendance as well
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 #32164  by muddytalker
Wow, nice set of photos there Andrew. From the photos on Facebook just now it looks like it was an excellent turnout. Paul should be proud of the day. The photo of the old strip (or was it the pits runway?) was that taken from the control tower end where the start line used to be in the late seventies? Looks a bit over grown now since the days when the runway was in use 7 days a week; except for the drag racing of course. In fact those photos reminds me of the some of the photos I have seen recently of some old tracks in America. The pavement's still there but the grass and the bushes have got a little out of hand!

i must try and find the old map from one of the early NDRC programmes.
 #32166  by ukdrn
Thanks for taking the time and effort to post the pictures on the website Andrew.
 #32168  by herb andrews
Those are very similar pictures to mine Andrew, you must have been right next to me for some of them :)

Thanks must go to Paul for organising the monthly meets, never an easy job. There was a good turn out, and it stopped raining, so lets hope both continue through 2013.

Blackbushe was my local track, so after reading about drag racing in Hot Car in the early 70's I cycled there to see my first race. Last time I was there, I ran the altered in 1983, was crewing on a Pro Comp car at the final meeting in 1984, so it was strange to be looking down the runways after all that time. Drag Racing as my psychiatrist often reminds me 'Is an incurable addiction', I think I'm in good company.....

Happy new year.

 #32171  by muddytalker
This was how the track was laid out in 1975. Shortly afterwards when the new surface went down the track ran from opposite ends with the start line opposite from where you were yesterday (bottom right of the map). This can be seen from Doug's latest collection of photos from the 'bushe in 1979. viewtopic.php?f=13&t=1526&start=472
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 #32215  by herb andrews
Reading the news on Eurodragster today about the monthly car and chat meet thats been organised at Blackbushe got me thinking of the race meetings held there over the years. What was the best ET and MPH, for both fuel and alki classes, when and by whom?
muddytalker wrote:I think that's going to be a tough one to crack Herb but we'll see what we can find out over the coming weeks as it will mean delving into the NDRC files.
Pulling the thread back in line to my original question, what I'm interested in Jerry are the best ET's and MPH for Top fuel, and Pro Comp at the 1984 Blackbushe races, May 20, Aug 12 and Sept 30.
 #32216  by muddytalker
Okay Herb, I'll have a look but but as we know there not too much documented around this time for the NDRC. Even the newsletters were photo copied A3's but I'll have a look. At least you have given us something to look for now. :D
 #32221  by CRR
herb andrews wrote: Pulling the thread back in line to my original question, what I'm interested in Jerry are the best ET's and MPH for Top fuel, and Pro Comp at the 1984 Blackbushe races, May 20, Aug 12 and Sept 30.
I'm afraid that there are no written race reports for any of the 3 Blackbushe meetings in 1984. NDRC News in 1984 was usually just 4 pages. There were race reports for the Long Marston meetings written by Jerry, but nothing for Blackbushe presumably because nobody could be bothered to write them. There's not even any mention of the Blackbushe meetings in Drag Racing News. Your only hope Herb would be to get hold of the official results for the 3 meetings in question.