Moderators: timetravel, ukdrn
Badger wrote:Can we look forward to a few more pics from Screamin Alley Timetravel on your website?Yes all the Screamin Alley pics will be on there eventually. I'm currently scanning the York '83 pics which should be on there in a couple of weeks and no I didn't take the Velox to York, I took a Volvo 145! Here's some more Screamin Alley pics from '86. I remember the first time I went in my Y with a mate in a Mustang I got the date wrong and the place was closed so I rang the no. on the advert and the guy who ran it came along and let us in and we had a few races before going home
By the way you've had a few custom motors, what did you make the trip up to York in the Velox?
sjb wrote:That Velox Nick looked looked real tough with that hood scoop,shame dont see any cars with them old style scoops anymore.Yes they were nice scoops Steve, most Pro Stocks in the early 70s had them. Here's a page from the "Americar" catalogue which listed them and a shot of my Velox. Did you visit Americar in Southchuch Rd, Southend in the 70s?