Moderators: timetravel, ukdrn
Flying Phil wrote:As racers in the Championship, we all got copies of those race reports, they then appeared in Street Machine-( Steve( Day?) wrote them in 89 to 92). We should also remember the tremendous support of Charles Pinion MD of Real Steel, who sponsored the series and held an annual prizegiving at their Slough Office.I knew I had them tucked away somewhere. In amongst a pile of MMA Mopar Connected magazines I found the first four issues of the RVDRA Newsletter. I think there were only ever four produced! is that right Phil?
From the series was also born the "Rover V8 Drag Racing Association" which had for a time, a regular newsletter and a series of Tee shirts printed.
Flying Phil wrote:E mail sent Muddy - hopefully to the correct address?Mail returned Phil.