Sorry for the thread resurrection but I was asked about my old Manta that I used to race in the RV8C the other day which brought back memories and in turn brought me to here through a Google search just to see if there was anything online regarding this great race series.
I'm not sure if any of you remember my Manta from 94 and 95 seasons, it wasn't really built for drag racing but it fit the bill for this series all the same? I came 5th in Street Rover in my first year mostly down to attending most of the events than winning races and I was also awarded best newcomer of that year, a trophy I still have somewhere. I did have great fun each time we went racing and these weekends still stick in my mind even though it was quite some time ago. I took the car off the road after the '95 season as the rear chassis had bent a little and I had the intention of running it the following year but this never materialised sadly.
A couple of pictures from way back then.
Chris Pointon.