The 1978 Pendine record attempt featured media coverage by BBC TV, most likely shot on film stock. The outcome of the attempt - success or failure - would be a part of their TV news bulletins. The date of the attempt preceded the approaching affordability of domestic VCRs, so I guess there is no video archive of this, unless you were very rich!
Equally frustrating, was discovering that the BBC put together a 50 minute documentary covering Barry’s record attempt. Screened on BBC 1 at 18.20, Friday 18th August 1978, I wonder if anyone remembers seeing this programme??
You can read details of the programme, which has come about by the BBC scanning the programme listings from past copies of the Radio Times and translating the text to web pages.
Follow this link and scroll dow to the appropriate screening time: ... 1978-08-18
Equally frustrating, was discovering that the BBC put together a 50 minute documentary covering Barry’s record attempt. Screened on BBC 1 at 18.20, Friday 18th August 1978, I wonder if anyone remembers seeing this programme??
You can read details of the programme, which has come about by the BBC scanning the programme listings from past copies of the Radio Times and translating the text to web pages.
Follow this link and scroll dow to the appropriate screening time: ... 1978-08-18