Anything Nostalgia Related.

Moderators: timetravel, ukdrn

 #11429  by taylov
I came across this press photo of Barry Bowles' rocket car at the Pod. taken in November 1976. Barry dropped off my radar after his high profile crash at Pendine when, if I remember correctly, he suffered a tyre failure as a result of exceeding the speed spec of the rubber. Does anyone know what became of him?

Santa Pod, November 1976
Santa Pod, November 1976
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 #11452  by jaytee
A few newspaper photos of the crash
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 #11453  by jaytee
From Custom Car
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 #11457  by Badger
Wow, amazing sequence!
Where did the idea come from that it was ok to travel at monster speed on sand? I was looking at some footage the other day of 1920's racecar - 'BABS' which went over at Pendine at probably a similar speed, the driver though didn't live to tell the tale! Think Malcolm Olley had a couple of goes at pendine also ..
Whatever I've never seen the story or pics of Barry Bowles accident before thanks for sharing it with us.

Anybody got anything further on the canopied car Tog mentions?
 #11458  by WJM
Don't forget Malcom Campbell broke 300 mph on sand { Daytona}, it was only once the Cobb, Easton days of 350 plus started that the salt flats started to get used.

 #11461  by Stormin Norm
I stand to be corrected but the fastest Malcolm Campbell went at Ormand-beach Daytona was setting a new landspeed record of 272.46 MPH on 23rd february 1933. It was on 3rd of september 1935 at bonneville salt flats that he became the first over 300 MPH with a two way average of 301.13 MPH.

 #11462  by Millevanille
I drove the same piece of sand that he broke the record, and you are correct, in a rental, got up to 70 before the cops stopped me!! the sand was drivable, but not that hard packed. At least better than Great Yarmouth!!!
 #11479  by ukdrn
Badger wrote:
Anybody got anything further on the canopied car Tog mentions?
Quite a few years ago I was in touch with the guy who designed the 2nd car, we talked quite a few times about doing a feature on the cars on the website as he had all the blueprints etc but his work commitments got in the way and it never happended.
He worked for Ferrari on Kimi Raikkonen’s car, we lost contact but hopefully if he see’s this thread he may get in touch.
 #24092  by IvanS
Badger wrote:Wow, amazing sequence!
Where did the idea come from that it was ok to travel at monster speed on sand? I was looking at some footage the other day of 1920's racecar - 'BABS' which went over at Pendine at probably a similar speed, the driver though didn't live to tell the tale! Think Malcolm Olley had a couple of goes at pendine also ..
Whatever I've never seen the story or pics of Barry Bowles accident before thanks for sharing it with us.

Anybody got anything further on the canopied car Tog mentions?
I've seen a side on shot of it somewhere that I think appeared in some magazines (CC and the like) at the time - but there's a head on shot that I've not seen before on the HAMB bulletin board here: ... ?p=5641248
 #24115  by ukdrn
Thanks for the link.
I've always had a big interest in Barry's attempts but little information seems to be avalible so if
anyone finds anything then please share :)
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