Anything Nostalgia Related.

Moderators: timetravel, ukdrn

 #10405  by herb andrews

What a great idea.

After crimbo and the surprise is out can you encourage either your Dad or Uncle (or both) to come on here?

I had one of the 2 speed gearboxes they developed (mine came out of the Pat Cuss Bel Ray streamliner) and theres a number of other people on here that used them. So, it would be interesting to know the background behind it, like how the idea came about, how many were made ect.

Apart from the 2 speed I'm aware of the injection manifold they made for their small block chevy, so there may be other projects.

They may well have prevoiusly unseen pictures of their cars which of course would be great to see.

Talking of pictures, there are some of their earlier front engined car out there, so come on people help Charlie out here and post more pictures then he can consider having both versions on the present.

 #10414  by CRR
[quote="Stormin Norm"
Can anyone name the guy behind the car and the guy driving the rollers??

The guy driving the rollers might possibly be one of the SPR Tech crew at the time? The name John springs to mind.
 #10415  by Stormin Norm
Hello CRR.
Did they have a tech crew in those days??

The two guys in the photo were both car builders and ace tuners but neither drove their cars..........

 #10437  by CRR
Stormin Norm wrote: Did they have a tech crew in those days??

They certainly did Norm. The guy I was mistakenly thinking of was on the tech crew with Maurice Takoor in the very early 1970's, and possibly even earlier than that.
 #11333  by jaytee
From Drag Racer magazine
0aROWATT1a.jpg (45.71 KiB) Viewed 13577 times
0aROWATT2.jpg (951.31 KiB) Viewed 12850 times
 #11737  by herb andrews
Charlie, heres another picture from Sam Freemans collection of the Rowatts rail burning out at the Pod. Who were Emerson and Smith, part owners, sponsors?
Emerson Rowatt and Smith RED at the Pod burnout.jpg
Emerson Rowatt and Smith RED at the Pod burnout.jpg (28.32 KiB) Viewed 12847 times