Anything Nostalgia Related.

Moderators: timetravel, ukdrn

 #32590  by timetravel
I'm pretty sure Dennis ran a six before that at the 'Bushe as in the report (written by some dude called Jerry Cookson) it says Craddock's 6.77 was the first six recorded on the new surface suggesting a six was recorded on the old surface :? so that would have been 1980 or earlier... but I've yet to find it reported...
 #32591  by crazyhorses
Page 85 Crazy Horses Blackbushe August 20 1972. Dennis burned rubber for the full quarter and still put down 6.91 at 211 mph.
 #40413  by oily bike bloke
Here’s a photo I took on 29 Dec 2013 of DC102 at a Blackbushe gathering.
Its my supercharged 650 Triumph that ran at Blackbushe in the 1980s.
The bike is in as-found condition, rescued after the previous owner had it in a shed for decades.

The blue Buell motorcycle in the post by Paul on 30 Dec 2012 was mine at the time, but made way for the Triumph.

DC102 link ... 102#p39249
DC102 returns to Blackbushe Dec2013 - Oily BB
DC102 returns to Blackbushe Dec2013 - Oily BB
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 #40478  by oily bike bloke
Am writing this on Wed 18th Sept 2024, the day before the 60th anniversary of the 1st British International Drag Festival at Blackbushe in 1964.

Myself and a mate from school, who is now involved with the British Drag Racing Historians, plan to visit Blackbushe airport on the 19th , (Wed) just because..........

Perhaps there’ll be some other folk there marking the day.

FYI - The National Motor Museum at Beaulieu is having one of its “In Focus” displays entitled Burnout! 60th Anniversary of British International Drag Racing Festival running from 20 September 2024 – 2 February 2025, put together by the British Drag Racing Historians.
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 #40479  by oily bike bloke
The 19th of September 2024 , the 60th anniversary of the 1964 first British International Drag Racing Festival at Blackbushe airport in Surrey.
Its said the event had a crowd of around 24,000.

In order to mark the day, a visit was made to the airport (alas, my friend from the British Drag Racing Historians had to bail at the last minute due to health issues) , taking along a selection of programmes of the Festival, as spread between these were signatories of Dante Duce, Tony Nancy, Ronnie Sox and Eamon Hurley, along with some completed-on-the-day results, and a selection of entry tickets and grandstand tickets.
The car had the recording of the Dragfest stereo LP (on CD) playing for good measure.

One could only imagine being at the event back in the day..........

Its probably fair to say it’s been 60 years since the programmes were last at the venue, and who knows when the sounds recorded back in the day were last heard at the airport.

Perhaps it’s a little bit sad doing the above, but it felt to me that the day needed a little nod, and a silent thank you to those that made it all happen.

1971 saw my first visit to the drags at Blackbushe, a mere 7 years after that ’64 Dragfest, followed by various visits during the ‘70’s.

As Denis Jenkinson wrote on his kitchen wall – “Aah nostalgia, the real thing”.

The photos show the airport today, simply as a record.

For 1964 related info (published today, 19 Sept 2024), see Nick Pettitt's article ... aspx?id=57
Blackbushe 2024-09-19 - 60th Anniversary of 1964 Dragfest IMG_7411.JPG
Blackbushe 2024-09-19 - 60th Anniversary of 1964 Dragfest IMG_7411.JPG (682.88 KiB) Viewed 3353 times
Blackbushe 2024-09-19 - 60th Anniversary of 1964 Dragfest IMG_7410.JPG
Blackbushe 2024-09-19 - 60th Anniversary of 1964 Dragfest IMG_7410.JPG (724.65 KiB) Viewed 3353 times
Blackbushe 2024-09-19 - 60th Anniversary of 1964 Dragfest IMG_7408.JPG
Blackbushe 2024-09-19 - 60th Anniversary of 1964 Dragfest IMG_7408.JPG (1.04 MiB) Viewed 3353 times
Blackbushe 2024-09-19 - 60th Anniversary of 1964 Dragfest IMG_7406.JPG
Blackbushe 2024-09-19 - 60th Anniversary of 1964 Dragfest IMG_7406.JPG (828.54 KiB) Viewed 3353 times
Blackbushe 2024-09-19 - 60th Anniversary of 1964 Dragfest IMG_7405.JPG
Blackbushe 2024-09-19 - 60th Anniversary of 1964 Dragfest IMG_7405.JPG (803.19 KiB) Viewed 3353 times
Blackbushe 2024-09-19 - 60th Anniversary of 1964 Dragfest IMG_7404 crop.jpg
Blackbushe 2024-09-19 - 60th Anniversary of 1964 Dragfest IMG_7404 crop.jpg (719.38 KiB) Viewed 3353 times
Blackbushe 2024-09-19 - 60th Anniversary of 1964 Dragfest IMG_7403.JPG
Blackbushe 2024-09-19 - 60th Anniversary of 1964 Dragfest IMG_7403.JPG (1009.36 KiB) Viewed 3353 times
Blackbushe 2024-09-19 - 60th Anniversary of 1964 Dragfest IMG_7402 crop.jpg
Blackbushe 2024-09-19 - 60th Anniversary of 1964 Dragfest IMG_7402 crop.jpg (715.94 KiB) Viewed 3353 times
Blackbushe 2024-09-19 - 60th Anniversary of 1964 Dragfest IMG_7401.JPG
Blackbushe 2024-09-19 - 60th Anniversary of 1964 Dragfest IMG_7401.JPG (1003.93 KiB) Viewed 3353 times
Blackbushe 2024-09-19 - 60th Anniversary of 1964 Dragfest IMG_7400.JPG
Blackbushe 2024-09-19 - 60th Anniversary of 1964 Dragfest IMG_7400.JPG (828.79 KiB) Viewed 3353 times
Blackbushe 2024-09-19 - 60th Anniversary of 1964 Dragfest Control Tower Reflection IMG_7412 crop.jpg
Blackbushe 2024-09-19 - 60th Anniversary of 1964 Dragfest Control Tower Reflection IMG_7412 crop.jpg (580.55 KiB) Viewed 3353 times
 #40481  by Flying Phil
Nice commemoration trip. I raced at Blackbushe a couple of times with my Junior Modified "Muscle Sprout" in 1974/5.
 #40483  by oily bike bloke
Burnout! 60th Anniversary of British International Drag Racing Festival exhibition, on until 2 February 2025 at the National Motor Museum Beaulieu.
Further details ... n-gallery/

The exhibition is a community collaborative project between The National Motor Museum Trust and the British Drag Racing Historians (BDRH) who researched and curated items for this exhibition from its members’ private collections and other archives recommended by the group.

Some info from the Eurodragster website (below) under 27 September 2024