If you have some nostalgic pictures you would like to share then please post them here

Moderators: timetravel, ukdrn

 #39503  by timetravel
Plenty of Brobat and Parozone Bleach on the Silverstone startline in '73 ready to get those tyres hot 'n' sticky... :D
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 #39505  by plymoutharrow
Great pictures Nick. Kind of a strange question but I wonder when the first bleach burnout was done in the UK? I seem to recall you mentioning it was a bunch of drag bikers who had got the idea from a trip to the US in around 1969? Do you know who these riders were that started experimenting with bleach burnouts? I may of got completely muddled up with flame burnouts instead!
 #39506  by CRR
This is the race report for 27th September 1970. The two bikes that went to Indy were Dennis Norman and Pegasus.
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