Next pic is Two Faced taken at my Churchill avenue home before moving to my present one. It may be of interest to note that back in the sixties, when the first parts of my Two Faced drag-bike video on YouTube were filmed; there weren't any home-movie cameras with sound. I think they were all silent cameras (not in the cinemas of course--but home use yes). The camera used for the early shots of Two Faced in '68 was a clockwork, wind-up camera and NO that is not a 'wind up'. The camera used was a Standard 8 film camera but did not have batteries; it had to be wound up like the old alarm clocks and ran for a few minutes before needing re-winding. A spool of film which then cost around £3 ran for only about 2 1/2 (two and a half) minutes. Cine-film was always expensive. It then had to be sent to Kodak for processing. So to get a half hour or so, you had to use many spools and join them together; I still have all the old editing gear and projectors. Mind you, a lot of people don't know that projectors are STILL used in cinemas today; they are not DVD, it is still 35mm and sometimes 70mm film that is used for projection. Anyway, when I went to Topcliffe in '68 I took an old tape-recorder with me and this was before cassette tape became popular. It was an old reel-to-reel recorder and could be battery operated. I got one of my mates to record the sound of Two Faced as it went down the track. I had thought to myself then, that sometime, in the future, there would be some way of adding that live sound to the old film. That came 20 years later when video-tape came out. I did my own transfer from std 8 cine-film onto video-tape and dubbed the live sound onto it in a video-recorder with audio-dub and also added a commentary. Then later during the 2000's I transferred it to DVD. Another mate uploaded that to YouTube for me before I had Broadband.
Two Faced pictured 1998.jpg (493.46 KiB) Viewed 18414 times