Many thanks for that, I'm ok at moment and have been for past couple of months. Further to my last post (not THE Last Post I hope LOL) there are one or two other obstacles to running the old Two Faced bike these days. (b & w Picture enclosed from Topcliffe, June 68).I do not wish to be controversial on here but I have had a battle in continuing to run it over the past few years. For instance, I want to keep it as it was in the sixties. There aren't any 4 x 18 inch rear slick tyres available now (I have searched extensively) and I am running on 30 and 40 year old rear tyres. (front's not a problem). Cannot fit a wider one at back without extensive mod's and don't really want to spoil its character. I approached Avon tyres a few times and the last time about 5 years ago resulted in some very heated exchanges. They threatened to approach the ACU to stop me riding it because if an old Avon rear slick burst, it would bring them into disrepute! I hit back with:- 'Make me a tyre then' and 'Contact the ACU if you like, we don't run under ACU rules at Northern events!' The individual concerned (no names) also berrated me for 'embarking' (I've been in this sport since 64 !) on such a dangerous activity at my age!!! I hit the roof and wrote to Avon's Managing Director and he got a bollocking. Apparently he then searched the factory for the old 4 x 18 die that was used to make the Avon slick for George Brown but couldn't find it. Through third parties I eventually got an e-mail confirmation from ACU that it's not up to the scutineers to decide if a tyre is safe, the final decision rests with the competitor. So that was that lot sorted out but there are still other issues. Sorry to write an essay but.... I cannot now run the bike at Elvington because of the noise issue there which has 'killed-off' many of the older bikes and NSA sprint club members. I ran the bike at York a few years ago but burnt the clutch out. I am hoping to take it to Kirkbride this coming season. Was going to, this year, but didn't due to problems. Many southern tracks have noise issues and one of our club officials had said in our magazine that, "Pete Williams could fit silencers on his bike if he put his mind to it..." Can you believe a top-fuel competition bike (which it WAS in its day) running on 95% nitro, being fitted with silencers? If they collected unburnt fuel there would be a serious fire or explosion risk. The suggestion was ludicrous but it has brought me into conflict and this sport should be a FUN sport. I can therefore run at some sprints but not all. There is also another rule that I have tried to have removed from the ACU book (many southern meetings are ACU) and believe it or not, it is under the Heading of 'Behaviour' (and mis-spelt behavior) and says that wheelspinning on the track is forbidden and will result in exclusion! Can you believe it?! This rule is also in the Drag-racing regulations! I was told by various parties that it was mistakenly copied and pasted into the rules from the Road Race regs. I have been assured time and again it will be removed but it's still there. OK most machines break that rule but any over-zealous ACU official seeing me do a 200 yard 'burn out' on my way down the track could cause an issue. If some of the Americans saw these rules they'd surely laugh at them. If I'd still been secretary as I was in the 80's I would have sorted this out before now! Finally, I could NOT enter a modern drag-race on this bike because the drag-race regulations state that a competition bike on nitro must have twin-disc brakes on the front and hydraulic forks. I have no intentions of fitting twin discs. Although my forks are telescopic they are off a BSA Bantam ! and only have springs and not oil! Also, I do not have a lanyard, difficult with two separate magnetos that have to earth-out and NOT go open circuit like usual ign-switches.There are other regs too but I don't want to bore you, so if I brought my bike along, under what regs would I be riding? phew! Anyway a few pics now of my first double-engined bike Coup de Essai mentioned previously, will follow and sorry for hogging the page. Pete
Two Faced B & W pic at Topcliffe June 68.jpg (18.84 KiB) Viewed 18167 times