If you have some nostalgic pictures you would like to share then please post them here

Moderators: timetravel, ukdrn

 #39592  by ukdrn
Garry Lakin has very kindly sent me some fantastic images.
Click for bigger
AFC 7 Cavilier 03.jpg
AFC 7 Cavilier 03.jpg (716.02 KiB) Viewed 20446 times
TCA 5 Tee Rat 02.jpg
TCA 5 Tee Rat 02.jpg (708.17 KiB) Viewed 20446 times
Sundown 01.jpg
Sundown 01.jpg (1.98 MiB) Viewed 20446 times
PRO 9 Money Hungry 04.jpg
PRO 9 Money Hungry 04.jpg (531.26 KiB) Viewed 20446 times
Drag 22.jpg
Drag 22.jpg (529.13 KiB) Viewed 20446 times
 #39593  by timetravel
nice shot of John Andersson's Jungle Jim chassied 454 Chevy powered Opel Manta getting a bit sideways... and the Liz & Ollie Bantam :D
 #39596  by ukdrn
timetravel wrote: Wed Nov 15, 2017 8:26 am nice shot of John Andersson's Jungle Jim chassied 454 Chevy powered Opel Manta getting a bit sideways... and the Liz & Ollie Bantam :D
Yeah great shots.
The Liz and Ollie shot is the same sort of shot that I try and get these days.
 #39597  by ukdrn
Some more
PRO 6 Insurance In Pro Motion 01.jpg
PRO 6 Insurance In Pro Motion 01.jpg (672.06 KiB) Viewed 20325 times
TCA 5 Tee Rat 02.jpg
TCA 5 Tee Rat 02.jpg (708.17 KiB) Viewed 20325 times
AFC 10 Gladiator  03.jpg
AFC 10 Gladiator 03.jpg (650.49 KiB) Viewed 20325 times
 #39598  by jaytee
Great shot of the Liz and Ollie car, Hustler Racing on fuel tank and Mark Stratton running alongside, I think I'm right in saying he built the chassis based on Skilton's Cavalier
 #39599  by timetravel
jaytee wrote: Wed Nov 15, 2017 9:55 am Great shot of the Liz and Ollie car, Hustler Racing on fuel tank and Mark Stratton running alongside, I think I'm right in saying he built the chassis based on Skilton's Cavalier
yes Mark Stratton built the chassis based on Skilton's Cavalier
 #39600  by ukdrn
Some more Great shots from Garry.
Vette 01.jpg
Vette 01.jpg (672.74 KiB) Viewed 19979 times
AFC 31 02.jpg
AFC 31 02.jpg (621.16 KiB) Viewed 19979 times
AD 6 Highway Patrol 01.jpg
AD 6 Highway Patrol 01.jpg (691.67 KiB) Viewed 19979 times
AD 2 Stormbringer 01.jpg
AD 2 Stormbringer 01.jpg (742.73 KiB) Viewed 19979 times
 #39603  by timetravel
you don't see many pics of Rod Arkinstall in the '19th nervous breakdown' Corvette
 #39604  by oily bike bloke
Although not actual drag racing pics, thought I'd post a couple of pics I took of 'grass-roots' burnouts from UK 1/4 mile sprints.

The Morgan was at the VMCC Sprint Section event at Wroughton in June 2011. and the Vincent at the Brighton Speed Trials in 2007.
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P1040721.JPG (293.84 KiB) Viewed 19973 times
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P1010108.JPG (447.86 KiB) Viewed 19973 times
 #39610  by ukdrn
A burnout's a burnout no matter where and how it happened.
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