If you have some nostalgic pictures you would like to share then please post them here

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 #32659  by muddytalker
Badger wrote:Yea I've got the guide from the 82 Ally Pally show still. I guess I was lucky to get to a few of these shows, because we had family in Southend I was taken to Ally Pally. We only lived 16 miles from Doncaster and I didnt get to that show until 88! The unfulfilled wish - I never got to Belle Vue, the offer was there in 83 but I thought it was all over by then there. I picked this DVD up at Billing last year, only about 20 mins long covers the 79 show, a real insight into the popularity of the 70's custom shows - the que's outside to get in! :shock: Captures well a very different and long gone era ..
I would be interested in seeing that Darren.
 #32663  by niceonesquire
muddytalker wrote:Have you sent those photos yet?

sorry mate completely forgot about it, to much going on with work etc i will try and dig em out.
 #32669  by Badger
Here's the April 80 Northern Drag & Custom Show I mentioned in Harrogate, from Hot Rod & Custom. Think you can spy Highway Patrol behind Warlock.

Also the 1st custom show I went to was this at Donnington in Jan or Feb 79, not a lot of cars on display but I did get to see Bob Welstead's radical Moulin Rouge rod and the Komodo Dragon funny! 8)
Harrogate801.jpg (758.07 KiB) Viewed 18841 times
harrogate802.jpg (713.68 KiB) Viewed 18841 times
donnington791.jpg (701.08 KiB) Viewed 18841 times
Donnington792.jpg (749.68 KiB) Viewed 18841 times
 #32670  by muddytalker
I'm sure I went to that show at Donington (or something similar) with the tie in with John Brown Wheels and Long Marston. I'm sure there's a box of slides kicking round somewhere I must try and find. Wasn't it on for a week or something like that. Entry included the museum as well I recall.
 #32671  by Badger
I don't remember us going in the museum, but I do remember a big JBW display, I'll have to look out the ad for the show from a late 78 issue ..
Ollie's funny was the first car you came across as you entered which pulls all JBW connection together.
 #32672  by muddytalker
Perhaps this was another follow up show then that I went to. I don't think I've got the show guide anymore which is a bit remiss of me.
 #32673  by Badger
It may have been on all week, that seems to ring a bell. I remember it not being very busy at all and we would have been there at the weekend.
 #32785  by timetravel
harefield99 wrote:crystal palace and brighton?

yep, Brighton 1980 and the Crystal Palace shots look like 1977...
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