Hi again Badger,
Hopefully, I'm going to try and get the pics posted up today (if I can get my scanner working). I've also spoken to my dad this morning. He's well chuffed that he gets a mention on this forum
He's still well into his motorsport but has moved on to bikes now (due to take his full bike test next month - 2 months after turning 60...nutter!!

). He's still good mates with Joe (not Tom) Grout who he ran the car with (in fact, they live about 50 yards from each other!).
He reckons, and I seem to remember being there when he did it, that the car's best run was 10.98 at 125mph...not bad for a Reliant!!
As for the Tom, Dick and Harry decal, I think that was actually on the back of the car, neither me or my dad can remember for certain, but what we do remember was Tom, Dick and Harry's was a local kids clothes shop who sponsered my dad and Joe. It was part of another clothes shop called G.K. Lees who also gave sponsorship. At one point the car was actually on display in the shop window for a while as part of a promotional campaign.
My dad is really keen to track down any pics of the car in it's last known guise (Luvverly Jubberly). Hopefully, someone might know Terry Meakins...would be great to get in touch with him.
He's also going to have a look for some more pics and ask Joe what he's got.
I'm hopefully going to sit down with my dad over the weekend sometime and go through some bits and pieces on the forum. I'm sure he'll have more info about some of the other cars and people mentioned on here (I know he was pretty friendly with the guy who ran The Hulk).