Prince Of Wales wrote:I was sitting here looking at all those wheelstand pictures and thinking I wonder if I should submit.......and there it was on page 2, my picture of Trevor's six foot wheelstand submitted by Sam. I take it that's Sammy who crewed with Trevor on the car. That'll be Sam on the far left wearing the baseball cap. Others include Stu Bradbury and John Ledster. I offered the picture to Trevor who didn't want it as he didn't collect pictures. I remember replying, 'Trevor, one day you will retire and all you will have left will be memories and your pictures'.
Correct it was me.... I would have given credit for the picture but I could not remember who had given me the copy, (names not being a strong point)
working on the cars meant that you'd never have any pictures, never have time to take any!! I spent 35 years helping people go fast and have very few pictures beside the ones in my mind, mind you I've got a head full of experiences and tales that would most would not believe.. and I met some great people along the way from all different motorsports..
Things are different now... check out my website and you may find I've infringed another copyright