If you have some nostalgic pictures you would like to share then please post them here

Moderators: timetravel, ukdrn

 #35226  by muddytalker
Who could forget this classic match race - Bootsie versus Priddle!
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 #35232  by muddytalker
I had the unfortunate task of writing Bootsie's Obituary for Motoring News.
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 #35270  by Millevanille
The great "little" man liked a roll up!
The great "little" man liked a roll up!
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 #36082  by ukdrn
Well this picture answers my own questions of this thread that I started years ago.

Mick Taylor of Pop fame has been in touch and tells me that Allan Jnr picked started to make a tribute car a few years after the crash with this body and a new chassis he was building.
The body at some point was left in Mick's Grandad's garden which was opposite my mums house (small world) and thatw as where I see it that night.
Here's the body on the way to Micks Grandads house.
Well at least I now know.
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 #38288  by ukdrn
32 years today we lost Bootsie. :(
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 #38289  by Stu Bradbury
BDRHoF trophy.jpg
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As next year, 2016, we celebrate fifty years of Drag Racing at Santa Pod Raceway. There is one person who had such a impact on the development of Drag Racing in the UK and Europe that will not be with us to see this milestone. On November 6th 1983 Allan 'Bootsie' Herridge made his last ever run at Santa Pod Raceway He was debuting his new Jet Funny Car called 'Midnight Cowboy' which he built himself. The car did a left hand turn at the top end of the strip running head on into the crash barrier, Allan was killed instantly. Bootsie was an original, an innovator, a hero to many and great loss to the world of Drag Racing. To honour his memory, those inducted into the British Drag Racing Hall of Fame receive a 'Bootsie', a quality crystal tablet encapsulating an image of the late Allan 'Bootsie' Herridge, a man who put so much into British Drag Racing, together with an exclusive gold enameled commemorative pin badge. We all miss him.
 #38960  by ukdrn
R.I.P Bootsie.
 #38974  by ukdrn
I'm incredibly honored and proud to be able to share with you a part of Bootsie’s private collection of memorabilia. Over the coming weeks I will be sharing unseen photographs, timing slips,newspaper cuttings and other goodies from around 1978 onwards.
Many of the photo's have never been seen and published before . Many of the press cuttings I have also never seen reproduced.

I couldn’t think of a better way for this website to celebrate its 20th anniversary.
The non-Bootsie press cuttings will be shown in other appropriate threads on ukdrn.

I wish to personally thank Allan Herridge JNR for very kindly allowing me to share this personal collection.
Without him none of this would have been possible.

To start here's a proud Allan standing next to his creation of the mighty Scorpion jet dragster.
© Allan Herridge
© Allan Herridge
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© Allan Herridge
© Allan Herridge
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© Allan Herridge
© Allan Herridge
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© Allan Herridge
© Allan Herridge
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© Allan Herridge
© Allan Herridge
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© Allan Herridge
© Allan Herridge
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 #38975  by ukdrn
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 #38976  by ukdrn
Alleygator having minor issues trough the traps.
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