Here's John Siggery and team with 'Geronimo', I'm sure someone can add a few details about this very successfull car.

Moderators: timetravel, ukdrn
TimeMachine wrote:I'm fairly certain that this slingshot was unusaul in that wou drove with your legs going under rather than over the rear axle. I have a feeling that is an Oldsmobile lump powering it.Yes you're right about the unusual driving position and the motor was an Oldsmobile, a 303 out of a 1949 Olds Rocket which was opened out to 324. If you look at the top two pics you'll see that the fuel tank was raised to get the Hilborn injection to work properly. Alot of the Stateside goodies on the car were acquired in exchange for Ford Pop spindles which were in abundance over here at the time but in short supply for the dragster builders in the States. The car ran from 1968 to 1972 when it dissapeared from the scene. As far as I know it's never been seen since and could well be sitting in someones garage somewhere, anybody know?