If you have some nostalgic pictures you would like to share then please post them here

Moderators: timetravel, ukdrn

 #38037  by ukdrn
Hi Mick.
Nice to hear from you and thank you for the information.
It was a poplar and very quick car and has been discussed on this forum many time in the past.

Do you have any idea what happened to it in the end?

 #38044  by Geronimo
Hi Jon,
I would like to know what became of it too!
I think it had reached its potential in that the eights were just a little too far despite any further development.
I shall have another listen to my audio tapes, well CDs. I don't know if I can download a few minutes to your site. I'll give it a go.
 #38056  by ukdrn
Geronimo wrote:Hi Jon,
I shall have another listen to my audio tapes, well CDs. I don't know if I can download a few minutes to your site. I'll give it a go.
I would like to hear those Mick.
If you need a hand just let me know.
 #38094  by ukdrn
Mick has been very kindly sorting through the audio files made by Frank Wareham (the voice of Geronimo) and it's about time I posted some.
These recordings not only offer a an unique insight in running the dragster back then when everything was a learning process but they also give up a listen to what was going on back then.
This is the first part of the car running at Santa Pod in 1969.
 #38096  by timetravel
great recording, that injected Olds sure has a nice tickover on 48% :D the comment about Mike 'Jesus' Collins was funny...

btw it's not Woodvale, the recording was from the last meeting of '69 at the Pod...
 #38097  by ukdrn
timetravel wrote:great recording, that injected Olds sure has a nice tickover on 48% :D the comment about Mike 'Jesus' Collins was funny...

btw it's not Woodvale, the recording was from the last meeting of '69 at the Pod...
Thanks Nick.
I didn't think it was Woodvale but I thought Mick would know so I went with that.
Not a problem, it's a long time ago :-)

Great recordings and something different.
 #39438  by timetravel
great find John. I guess they were being optimistic hoping to get it out for the '65 Dragfest
 #39647  by ukdrn
Mick Tickner has very kindly sent me another one of Frank Warham's (The voice of Geronimo) audio recordings.
This time he recollects in detail the teams visit to Anderstorp, Sweden in 1969.
Franks views and comments are his own and not the views of
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