Do you own or know the whereabouts of a piece of UK Drag Racing History or just want info on a particular machine.

Moderators: timetravel, ukdrn

 #7905  by CRR
This was discussed on the old DW Fans Forum and I seem to remember that Antony Billington gave the definitive answer. I would suggest a search of the DW site.
 #7920  by timetravel
Prince Of Wales wrote:
That effectively opens up a debate as to which is the oldest dragster still standing, apart from the Allard Chrysler?

OK guys you have your invite...
It's gotta be Alan Smith's Avanti Allard Dragon which dates from 1964, unless anyone's got Bootsie's DD Buick hidden away somewhere?
 #7928  by fester
bootsies car surfaced a couple of years ago ,it does exist with no engine
 #7938  by timetravel
fester wrote:bootsies car surfaced a couple of years ago ,it does exist with no engine
That's the Pulsation slingshot which Bootsie put together at the end of 1964 with Cadillac power. The DD Buick had a straight 8 Buick and ran during the 1963 & '64 seasons
 #7946  by Glen
I can help with this one, pulsation has been purchased by a chap in South Yorkshire and will be out later this year or early next year, sporting a few updates. Power will be supplied by V12 jag with a crank mounted blower and injection.
 #7952  by sid
Glen wrote:I can help with this one, pulsation has been purchased by a chap in South Yorkshire and will be out later this year or early next year, sporting a few updates. Power will be supplied by V12 jag with a crank mounted blower and injection.
